Published and Forthcoming Papers
Informing Mothers about the Benefits of Conversing with Infants: Experimental Evidence from Ghana
with P. Dupas, C. Fazelan, and M. Walsh
Forthcoming, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Money (Not) to Burn: Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Crop Residue Burning
with K. Jack, N. Kala, and R. Pande
American Economic Review: Insights, March 2025, vol 7(1), pp. 39-55
[Unjournal evaluation]
Redesigning Payments for Ecosystem Services to Increase Cost-Effectiveness
with S. Izquierdo-Tort and S. Saavedra Pineda
Nature Communications, 2024, vol 15:9252
[HTML version]   [Economics paper format, with appendix]
Ten Facts about Son Preference in India
India Policy Forum 2023, vol 20, Sage Publishing India, 2024
[Typset version]
Environmental Externalities and Free-Riding in the Household
with K. Jack, F. Malagutti, and S. Rao
Journal of Development Economics, 2024, vol 174
[Online appendix]
A Mother's Voice: Impacts of Spousal Communication Training on Child Health Investments
with M. Bjorkman Nyqvist and C. Zipfel
Journal of Development Economics, 2024, vol 168
[Online appendix]
Detecting Mother-Father Differences in Spending on Children: A New Approach Using Willingness-to-Pay Elicitation
with R. Dizon-Ross
American Economic Review: Insights, December 2023, vol 5(4), pp. 445-459
[Online appendix]
  [Short summary]
The Mortality Effects of Winter Heating Prices
with J. Chirakijja and P. Ong
Economic Journal, January 2024, vol 134(657), pp. 402-417
[Online appendix]
Think Globally, Act Globally: Opportunities to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
with R. Glennerster
Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2023, vol 37(3), pp. 112-136.
[Foreign Affairs version]
The Inherent Trade-Off Between the Environmental and Anti-Poverty Goals of Payments for Ecosystem Services
Environmental Research Letters, February 2023, 18(2), 025003.
Greater than the Sum of the Parts? Evidence on Mechanisms Operating in Women's Groups
with L. Diaz-Martin, A. Gopalan, and E. Guarnieri
World Bank Research Observer, February 2023, vol 38(1), pp. 1-35.
Using Machine Learning and Qualitative Interviews to Design a Five-Question Survey Module for Women's Agency
with M. Biradavolu and J. Cooper
World Development, January 2023, vol 161, 106076.
[Best-performing survey questions to measure women's agency]
How Economic Development Influences the Environment
Annual Review of Economics, 2022, vol 14, pp. 229-252
Improving Willingness-to-Pay Elicitation by Including a Benchmark Good
with R. Dizon-Ross
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May 2022, vol 112, pp. 551-555
Reshaping Adolescents' Gender Attitudes: Evidence from a School-Based Experiment in India
with D. Dhar and T. Jain
American Economic Review, March 2022, vol 112(3), pp. 899-927
[Online appendix]
  [Pre-analysis plan]
  [J-PAL policy brief]
  [2-minute video]
Microentrepreneurship in Developing Countries
Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, November 2021
Social Norms as a Barrier to Women's Employment in Developing Countries
IMF Economic Review, September 2021, vol 69(3), pp. 576-595
Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Attitudes: Evidence From India
with D. Dhar and T. Jain
Journal of Development Studies, September 2019, vol 55(12), pp. 2572-2592
[Online appendix]
Changing Family Attitudes to Promote Female Employment
with J. Dean
American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, May 2019, vol 109, pp. 138-142
Self-Selection into Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs
with K. Jack
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March 19, 2019, vol 116(12), pp. 5326-5333
Firm Growth and Corruption: Empirical Evidence from Vietnam
with J. Bie, E. Malesky, and B. Olken
Economic Journal, February 2019, vol 129, pp. 651-677
The Price Effects of Cash Versus In-Kind Transfers
with J. Cunha and G. De Giorgi
Review of Economic Studies, January 2019, vol 86(1), pp. 240-281
[Corrected version]
The Causes and Consequences of Increased Female Education and Labor Force Participation in Developing Countries
with R. Heath
Oxford Handbook of Women and the Economy, 2018, eds. S. Averett, L. Argys, and S. Hoffman.
Why Are Indian Children So Short? The Role of Birth Order and Son Preference
with R. Pande
American Economic Review, September 2017, vol 107(9), pp. 2600-2629.
[Online appendix]
  [Overview in Economic and Political Weekly]
  [Op-ed in New York Times]
Cash for Carbon: A Randomized Trial of Payments for Ecosystem Services to Reduce Deforestation
with J. De Laat, E. Lambin, C. Stanton, R. Audy, and N. Thomas
Science, July 2017, vol 357(6348), pp. 267-273.
[Supplementary material]
Mothers Care More, But Fathers Decide: Educating Parents about Child Health in Uganda
with M. Bjorkman Nyqvist
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2017, vol 107(5), pp. 496-500.
Fertility Decline and Missing Women
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2017, vol 9(1), pp. 118-139.
Friendship at Work: Can Peer Support Catalyze Female Entrepreneurship?
with E. Field, R. Pande, and N. Rigol
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, May 2016, vol 8(2), pp. 125-153.
[AEA Research Highlight]
The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries
Annual Review of Economics, 2015, vol 7, pp. 63-88.
Incentives to Teach Badly? After-School Tutoring in Developing Countries
Journal of Development Economics, May 2014, vol 108, pp. 190-205.
Does Contraceptive Use Always Reduce Breastfeeding?
Demography, June 2014, vol 51(3), pp. 917-937.
Liquidity Constraints and Deforestation: The Limitations of Payments for Ecosystem Services
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2013, vol. 103 (2), pp. 309-313.
Why Do Mothers Breastfeed Girls Less Than Boys: Evidence and Implications for Child Health in India
with I. Kuziemko
Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2011, vol. 126 (3), pp. 1485-1538.
[Online appendix]
Do Traditional Institutions Constrain Female Entrepreneurship? A Field Experiment on Business Training in India
with E. Field and R. Pande
American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2010, vol. 100 (2), pp. 125-129.
Modern Medicine and the 20th-Century Decline in Mortality: Evidence on the Impact of Sulfa Drugs
with A. Lleras-Muney and K. Smith
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, April 2010, vol. 2 (2), pp. 118-146.
[Online appendix]
Air Quality and Early-Life Mortality: Evidence from Indonesia's Wildfires
Journal of Human Resources, Fall 2009, vol. 44 (4), pp. 916-954.
Life Expectancy and Human Capital Investments: Evidence from Maternal Mortality Declines
with A. Lleras-Muney
Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 2009, vol 124 (1), pp. 349-397.
[Online appendix]
The Jeffords Effect
Journal of Law and Economics, October 2006, vol. 49 (2), pp. 397-425.
Selling Labor Low: Wage Responses to Productivity Shocks in Developing Countries
Journal of Political Economy, June 2006, vol. 114 (3), pp. 538-575.
Odious Debt
with M. Kremer
American Economic Review, March 2006, vol. 96 (1), pp. 82-92.
[Working Group]
  [Policy report]